As our name denotes, Studio 360 takes a uniquely holistic approach to spatial and interior design. There is no aspect that falls beneath our radar. Beginning with state-of-the art architectural and design expertise through full-scale construction management and selection of all interiors.
Our guiding principle is that enduring design by definition must be trend resistant. We also believe it should reflect our client’s tastes in every detail. To ensure so, we mix comfortable furnishings with fine art, antiques and objects of sentimental importance to our clients.
A wide-ranging fluency of style and cultures allows us to work with spaces, color and materials that are both in harmony with the environment and in synch with our client's vision. Not to mention their deadlines and budgets. From Classic to Modern, Commercial to Residential, the result is a design that is as sophisticated and unique, as it is meticulously executed.
Work Experience
Lorem ipsum, Design Editor
Nam Interdum, Creative Director
Vestibulum Eget, Creative Director
Nulla Varius, Editor
Tortor Quis Ante, Art Director
Gravida Ultrices, Art Director